Thursday, April 1, 2021

Blessed People

  Way to Joyful Living 

Psalm 1 is the pathway to a joyful life where those who delight to read and meditate on the inspired word of God are blessed. The Holy Spirit has been shaping and molding the lives of our spiritual fathers for thousands of years so we can draw on their spiritual truths when read from God’s Word. When we draw near to God through his word, he will speak to us through it. Warren Wiersbe said,”Meditation to the soul is what digestion is to the body. What we delight in will direct our lives.” When we abide in God’s Word we will bear the fruits of a blessed life.

My favorite image of this Psalm are the faithful who are like trees that are deeply rooted, grounded and nurtured by streams of water. These trees draw on the water everyday for their nourishment and yield their fruits in its season and its leaves do not wither. In contrast the wicked are condemned lifeless chaff blown away by the wind.

John Fry a British scholar and clergyman echoes the views of ancient interpreters like Augustine and Jerome, who interpret Psalm 1 as portraying the character and ultimate destiny of the "JUST ONE," referring to Jesus Christ. He is seen as the perfect embodiment of the blessed man who walked blamelessly and bore abundant fruit. As followers and disciples, our role is to believe that Christ's presence within us is the source of our hope and transformation.

Prayer:- Lord as we delight in reading your inspired Word, teach us and guide us through your Word to live faithful, fruitful and joyful lives in you. Amen


Mani Pulimood said...

Beware of friends who mock your Faith? Taking them seriously will make you ashamed of your faith in God. Good friends will draw you closer to God.

Mani Pulimood said...

Thomas Kempis - Prayer

Open to me the meaning of the scriptures;
Who art above all God, blessed for ever.

John Fry said...

I have been induced to embrace the opinion of some among the ancient interpreters (Augustine, Jerome, etc.), who conceive that the first Psalm is intended to be descriptive of the character and reward of the JUST ONE, i.e. the Lord Jesus.

--John Fry, B.A., 1842

Thomas Kempis said...

I have no rest, but in a nook, with the book.

Thomas a Kempis, 1380-1471

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