Monday, July 5, 2021

In the Morning Light

Drawing Near


Give ear to my Words, O Lord, 

Consider my Meditation. 

Hearken unto the Voice of my Cry, 

My King, and My God.

Psalms 5:1-2

Meditation on Psalm 5

As we delve into the profound depth of the Psalm, we're invited to explore the transformative power of nurturing a close relationship with God. Central to this exploration is the practice of fervent prayer, particularly in the tranquil moments of dawn, before the cares of the day consume our thoughts. This intentional act of morning prayer becomes the cornerstone for building a resilient bond with the God, akin to the nurturing conversations that sustain deep friendships.

Do you integrate a consistent daily practice of prayer into your routine, or do you participate in spiritual disciplines such as lectio divina and family prayer? These deliberate practices serve to deepen our connection with God and fortify our spiritual underpinnings. By engaging in these intentional acts of devotion, we open ourselves up to a deeper communion with the God, allowing His presence to permeate every aspect of our lives. Through regular prayer and spiritual disciplines, we cultivate a more intimate relationship with God, drawing closer to Him and aligning our hearts with His will. These practices not only nourish our souls but also provide a sturdy spiritual foundation upon which to navigate life's challenges and uncertainties.

Hudson Taylor, a renowned British Protestant Christian missionary to China and the founder of the China Inland Mission, was known for his deep commitment to prayer. He was known to wake up as early as 2am to engage in prayer. This practice reflected his belief in starting the day with God, setting aside the quietest and most undisturbed part of the day for intimate communion with the Lord. Psalm 5 provides a rich tapestry of spiritual reflection, emphasizing the importance of prayer, personal reflection, and seeking God's guidance. Let's explore each segment in depth, supported by the biblical text and its broader implications.

Psalm 5:1-2 - A Call to Hear

"Give ear to my words, O Lord, consider my meditation. Hearken unto the voice of my cry, my King, and my God, for unto Thee will I pray."

These verses of Psalm 5:1-2 capture the earnest plea of a believer seeking God's attentive ear. The psalmist is not merely speaking but meditating, indicating a deep, thoughtful engagement with God. This sets the stage for understanding prayer as a vital communication line with God.

Psalm 5:3  - Morning Prayer: Setting the Tone for the Day

"My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up."

Morning prayer in Psalm 5:3 is emphasized as a foundational practice, aligning our hearts with God's will at the start of the day. It is an intentional act of devotion, akin to setting the stage for a day filled with divine guidance and presence. By prioritizing morning prayer, we create a spiritual framework that supports us throughout the day.

Psalm 5:4-6 - Acknowledging Our Imperfections

"For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee. The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity. Thou shalt destroy them that speak lies: the Lord will abhor the bloody and deceitful man."

However, as we draw nearer to God, Psalm 5:4-6 tenderly reminds us of our vulnerability and imperfection. In the presence of the Almighty, our weaknesses are unveiled, urging us to recognize our necessity for purification, empowerment, and change. Rather than avoiding or concealing our flaws, we're encouraged to accept them and relinquish them to God, relying on His ability to mend and revitalize us. It's through this acknowledgment of our limitations and dependence on God's transformative power that we find true restoration and renewal in His presence.

Psalm 5:7 - Meditating on God's Love

"But as for me, I will come into thy house in the multitude of thy mercy: and in thy fear will I worship toward thy holy temple."

Furthermore, Psalm 5:7 beckons us to meditate on the profound love and mercy of God, which surrounds us with overflowing grace and offers an open invitation to abide in His holy presence. Through the redemptive work of Christ, we are granted entry into the sanctuary of the Lord, guided by the Holy Spirit into intimate communion with God Himself. This verse reminds us of the unfathomable depths of God's love and the privilege we have as believers to dwell in His presence, experiencing His boundless mercy and grace firsthand. It is through this divine relationship that we find true fulfillment and purpose in life, as we are continually drawn closer to the heart of our loving Creator.

Psalm 5:11-12 - Rejoicing in God's Protection

"But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee. For thou, Lord, wilt bless the righteous; with favor wilt thou compass him as with a shield."

Ultimately, in Psalm 5:11-12, the psalmist extols the sanctuary found in God, encouraging all who pursue Him to rejoice and experience gladness. This invitation is a call to embrace the profound sense of security and peace that comes from being in God's presence. As we navigate life's challenges and uncertainties, let us find solace and assurance in the encompassing shelter of God's loving embrace. His favor surrounds us continually, serving as a constant source of strength and encouragement in every season of our lives.

Embracing the Practice of Morning Prayer

Prior to embarking on a journey, seeking guidance beforehand is prudent. Likewise, initiating your day by offering your requests to God carries special meaning. It establishes the atmosphere for the entire day, infusing it with anticipation and expectancy as you await His response. As we contemplate the richness of Psalm 5, may we be motivated to foster a daily habit of morning prayer, acknowledge our weaknesses before God, and take comfort in His steadfast love and protection.

A Morning Prayer

Heavenly Father,

We come before You with humble hearts, deeply grateful for the profound insights and comfort found in Psalm 5. As we meditate on Your Word, we are reminded of the power and necessity of starting our day with fervent prayer. Lord, give ear to our words and consider our meditations. Hear our cries, O King and our God, for it is to You that we direct our prayers.

In the quiet moments of dawn, may we faithfully seek Your presence, setting a tone of anticipation and expectation for the day ahead. Help us to cultivate a consistent practice of morning prayer, drawing us closer to You and aligning our hearts with Your will. Let these times of communion strengthen our relationship with You, grounding us in Your love and guiding us through the complexities of life.

We acknowledge our imperfections and vulnerabilities, Lord. In Your presence, our weaknesses are laid bare, yet we find hope in Your boundless mercy and grace. Purify our hearts, empower us with Your Spirit, and transform us into vessels of Your love and peace.

As we reflect on the multitude of Your mercy, let us be ever mindful of the privilege we have to dwell in Your holy presence. May Your unfathomable love and grace surround us, guiding us into deeper intimacy with You. We rejoice in Your protection, finding solace in Your encompassing shelter. Your favor surrounds us as a shield, providing strength and encouragement in every season of our lives.

Father, we lift our hearts in gratitude, seeking Your guidance and wisdom. As we go forth, let our lives be a testament to Your love and faithfulness. May we continually draw closer to You, finding true fulfillment and purpose in Your presence.

In Jesus name, we pray.


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