Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Confidence, in Calamity

But you, O Lord, are a shield about me, 

my glory, and the lifter of my head. 

I cried aloud to the Lord,

 and He answered me from His holy hill. 

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭3:3-4‬

What brings us peace in the middle of storms, outbreaks or insurrections? Is it our nation’s armies, personal wealth, higher education, or faith in God? David, when he is in the middle of a big calamity in his life, puts his trust in God (Psalm 3:6). His cunning son, Absalom, leads an insurrection against him and captures Jerusalem (2 Samuel 15-18). The heartbreaking news that the people’s hearts are with Absalom causes David to flee for his life (2 Samuel 15:13). His love and compassion for his son and innocent people causes him to avoid conflict and loss of unnecessary lives.

Political intrigue follows with the taking over of his kingdom, and people condemn him saying “God will not deliver him.” (Psalm 3:2) When facing this calamity David seeks the Omnipotent God. He brings his fears and threats to God. David trusts that God is his shield, his glory and his confidence (Psalm 3:3). He is not afraid even though tens of thousands of people rise up against him (Psalm 3:6-7). His time to reflect and pray for guidance keeps his Kingdom at peace by avoiding direct conflict with his own son.

Psalm 3 is a reality check for the earlier Psalm 1 and Psalm 2 that speak of blessings of God’s people who delight in God’s word and find refuge in God. Here we find David’s family life divided by disharmony, jealousy and hatred because of his many wives and children. Is David anxious or scared? David remains confident that as God’s anointed, despite his mistakes, if he remains faithful God will guide Him and his Kingdom to the best outcome. The blessed assurance of answered prayer brings peace to David’s soul. He goes to sleep knowing that God loves him and is in control (Psalm 3:5).

Prayer: Lord our lives sometimes are overwhelmed with fears of illness, violence, failure, rejection,change and death. Fill us with confidence that you are in control and will protect us in times of trouble. Amen

Soli deo Gloria

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Blessed Nations

Reading: Psalm 2

Eugene Peterson in the Message Bible translates Psalm 2:3-4 very creatively. He says that when the God deniers and Messiah defiers conspire to free themselves from God, God laughs at them. God finds it amusing when people say foolish things about the existence of God. When people rebel against God they only find themselves in a vicious spiral that leads to chaos and confusion. But if we make a run for God we will never regret it.

Psalm 2 is a macroscopic look at the Lord as king, lawmaker and judge of all the Nations. While the other side of the coin is Psalm 1 which is a microscopic look at the Blessed life of individual people who delight in the Torah. These are two dominant streams of voices that flow through the entire book of Psalms. The love for God’s law leads us to reverent awe in our relationship with God and a boldness to face the Nations and power cartels of the world that deny God

This Psalm is used as a royal blessing during the coronation of the Davidic descendants. Later in the New Testament it is viewed as a Messianic Psalm (Psalm 2:7), where God renews his covenant with the people and declares Christ as the beloved son, begotten son, the chosen one, who will continue the Davidic line forever (Matt 3:17; 17:5; Acts 13:33).

Psalm 1 (Psalm 1:1-2)  begins and Psalm 2 (Psalm 2:12) ends with a beatitude. When they are combined together it says, Blessed are all those who delight in God’s word and find refuge in God.


Lord you are our refuge and strength. May we grow to love and serve you all the days of our life.


Thursday, April 1, 2021

Blessed People

  Way to Joyful Living 

Psalm 1 is the pathway to a joyful life where those who delight to read and meditate on the inspired word of God are blessed. The Holy Spirit has been shaping and molding the lives of our spiritual fathers for thousands of years so we can draw on their spiritual truths when read from God’s Word. When we draw near to God through his word, he will speak to us through it. Warren Wiersbe said,”Meditation to the soul is what digestion is to the body. What we delight in will direct our lives.” When we abide in God’s Word we will bear the fruits of a blessed life.

My favorite image of this Psalm are the faithful who are like trees that are deeply rooted, grounded and nurtured by streams of water. These trees draw on the water everyday for their nourishment and yield their fruits in its season and its leaves do not wither. In contrast the wicked are condemned lifeless chaff blown away by the wind.

John Fry a British scholar and clergyman echoes the views of ancient interpreters like Augustine and Jerome, who interpret Psalm 1 as portraying the character and ultimate destiny of the "JUST ONE," referring to Jesus Christ. He is seen as the perfect embodiment of the blessed man who walked blamelessly and bore abundant fruit. As followers and disciples, our role is to believe that Christ's presence within us is the source of our hope and transformation.

Prayer:- Lord as we delight in reading your inspired Word, teach us and guide us through your Word to live faithful, fruitful and joyful lives in you. Amen

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