Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Daily Grace

Finding Peace Through Prayer and Trust

Restful Nights - Leaning on God’s Wisdom 

Our lives are often a capricious blend of experiences sprinkled with faithfulness, truthfulness, praise, adoration, affection, betrayal, bitterness, despair, and intimidation. When we are challenged with problems how do we gracefully hold back our anger and think calmly? How can one have a good night’s sleep when the day has been riddled with bitterness and despair? The Psalmist (King David) when faced with betrayal (Psalm3) turns to our merciful God for comfort in prayer (Psalm 4:1).

Can Prayer Transforms Our Anger?

Be Angry but Quietly hold it back

Think Calmly and Commune with the Lord

Lean on and Trust in His Ways.

Psalm 4:4-5

Trusting God's Guidance Amidst Life's Trials

At the end of the day in the quietness of the moment the Psalmist stills his soul to bring the events of his day and lay them in the Lord’s graceful hands (Psalm 4:4-5). As he breathes deeply the loving kindness and presence of God, he experiences the grace and peace that the Lord gives freely to those who look to him in prayer (Numbers 6:24-26). He goes to sleep knowing that he can lean on God’s wisdom and guidance to show him the way forward (Psalm 4:6-8). 

Finding Joy in the Darkness:

Instead of searching for God in the darkness of our problems, we should look for the inward joy that dwells deep within our souls—the blessed assurance of the Spirit of the Lord within us that radiates the light of His goodness and love. Let us submit our lives to Christ, offering our sacrifices of obedience and songs of praise as we seek to find and fill our lives with daily grace from the Lord. (Hebrews 4:16,Hebrews 10:19-22,Hebrews 13:15-16).

Grace in the Quiet - Embracing God's Presence

In the midst of life’s turmoil, we can take solace in the practice of turning our worries over to God. The act of quiet reflection and prayer at the end of a stressful day can bring immense peace and clarity. By trusting in God's unfailing love and mercy, we can transform our anger into patience and our despair into hope. We are reminded that the Lord’s presence is constant, His wisdom unerring, and His love everlasting.


Dear Lord, we bring all our daily experiences to You and lay them wholly at Your feet. As we rejoice in the works of our hands, where we perceive Your presence showing the way, may we press on to do Your will and bring glory to Your name. Give us this day our daily grace. Amen.

Exalting the King of Kings

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